Tuesday, May 29, 2012

life after life..

the most  facinating  of all aincent mysteries is the life after death and death itself,this subject has beenstudied  systematically  over the past century by rescerch scientists working in a variety of fields have comewith the inferance of facinating discoveries which lead to some conclusions:
*human beingscontinue to exist after death as varying levals of awereness and creativity, in a relm that the normalembodied humanbeingscannot percive or understand
*this relm is periodically left when the entity orthe individual takes on a new body
*successive re embodiments do not occur at randon,but appered to be linked to choice or by the karmic law of causeation.
*human beings do survive physical death
thease are solidly based on sceintific research as well as physicic research ,some of the prominent resserchers on this subject to name a few are Alice baily,  olcot, madem blavetsky. carl jung, edgar cassy,william shakespear, deepak chopra the university of verginia in the division of parapsychology, theamerican society forpsychical research in new york,the stanford research institute in california, psychical research institute north carolina and many more all around the world.
several catogories of these mystries have been researshed and invistigated,eight of the most facinating have provided the evidencefor the extraordinary phenomina they areapparitations, hauntings, out of body experiences, death bed visions, possessions experiences,reincarnation claims of info  before birth as some times the memory of the previouslife is erased
death is a term used when the soul makes a transission from one dimension to another, there isabsulotely nothing to fear regarding death as it is just a prosses the body goes though with the astonishing prescision of the bardo( the tibetan term for the process of dying)
when a person dies the soul leaves from one of the chakras according to his/her viberations,the ultimate being the sahasrara or the crown chakrs also known as the kapala moksham. it has been absoved that poeple who are saintly or with high vibration  ,there is a golden glow and the process of rigor mortis is almost nil or slow, what comes out during the science of bardo (death) is youe true self or atma along with the 7 chakras , the super sub con cious mind which is like a hard disk in a cpu holding all the info and experiences of all the life times that you may have led....you may have lived in this earthly planea thousands of life times,you may have come and gone and lived with every face,every color, every religion,a king, queen, begger, criminal, soldier you may have won or lost several battles ...why? for the pourpose of experienceing every lesson to ultimately understand  you  yourself.
based on the info from the super sub concious and with the help of divine beings you choose your subsiquent incarnation. every thing that you are, that you have become over the vastness of time by living life after life, life after life, and from the knowledge gained from each life time experiences you have become the wonderful you with all your unique talents and knowledge. you think the body is you? no never your body is only the garment that covers or  houses and protests  the real you..is the unseen light or life force...the collection of feelings,attitudes personality etc lies in your intelluct or mind  and in your body, there is a difference in soul and mind.the embodiment called man was  simply created as a vehicle to express his/her feelings ,to experience,to make choices and live life with peace and joy.
when the astral body is visible to others,it is known as an apparition. some times apparitions may apper to friends, relatives, aquintaincesor total strangers  with a message , a sign or even numbers of lockers etc there are three typesof apperitions : those of the dead , dying and the living.
within man"s physicalbody dwells his astral body the true "self" the" atma" that does not under go any changes at the time of death .this atma can emerge from the living, healthybody andapper to others, it can also apper at the timeof the death, or months,years, or centuriesafter death.
thease happen in certin places due to un natural death like murder,sucide,accident, where by the soul has attachments to the site of death due to some un finished buisness or until their actual life time is over.some times the hauntins stop when the proper cleancing and calming cermoneys are done .in some cases the spirit may be present with out harming or even warning the people in times of danger, they may just co exist. hauntings are also done by people who follow the black magic ritual where by the spirit torments a person,place, house ,farm etc. a spirit with low vibration or a spirit of an alchol or drug addict could be easily loured into the web of the black magician.
OBE or also called near death experiences
often people who have been in a traumatic situation,a drug induced situation, an accident ,see themself coming out of their bodies floting over  and observe their own bodies undergoing atrauma with the vision of their whole life floting by ;some times seeing a tunnel of white light, soft music sweet smell near and dear ons and then suddenly drawn back to their bodies where by they come back to their normal state. there are thousands of obe recorded in research centers.very often people who  have gone through an obe  begin to live life in a different prespective after their obe, they get a total change in their way of outlook in life.
the first obe expirement was conducted by Dr charles tart,university of california using a electroencephalograph  or EEG   on ayoung girl who had several obe to her credit . the dr had kept several objects and numbers,figerines in different location in the campusand had asked the girl to identify and locate them ,the young girl was abel to compleate the task in a very short time... there are many more such researches on obe and astral projections....
this is a state when the atma appears to a near and dear one just before passing over. there are cases of sister asking forgivens, a soldier bading farewel to his family , etc there were cases of the dying persons seeing visions of already departed persons  wainting to take them to a beautiful place..
possessions are caused only by entities who have lived a human life.these entities are generally low in their vibrations.any entity needs a high frequency of viberation to assend to a higher dimension . the ones with a low vibe would suck the aura of a person to increase its vibe these are called psycic vampires ,and the human is under a psychic attack.alomst every being comes under a psychic attack  where some times one would feel drained  and sleepy for no apparent reason. this is a psychic attack. this symptom can be easily rectified by a salt bath. some times the vampire would find a weak host  making possession very easy.most often possessions cause a person to change to a very negative one;example a loveing husband would become a wife beater, a student would became a drug addict .. the spirt entity by then would be comfertable with the host ther by refusing to leave  un less some auric cleancing and psychic protection is done. some times the possession is of an evil sadistic person  then the host under goes through a lot of hard ship. possessions could also be accidental by passing a vortex or gateway  in a lonely place ; by invoking the negative entities or by playing the ouija board invoking the entities and not knowing how to send them back to their right dimensions (the ouija is the most dangerous thing to do).possessions can also be induced by voodoo  or black magic .
 there are many cases of people being declared dead and coming back alive , there are cases of zombies in africa, but the most facinating is the reincarnation of people who remember their past lives like a little boy james remembered his past life as a pilot in world war 2, there are cases where in a remote village in china a little girl speaks persian and mentions that she is royalty..a little girl in a remote indian village  speaking french , a girl in a village near delhi mentioning how she was murdered and by whom... most reincarnation where the chindren remember their  past have had a violent end.in most cases the memory would gradully erase when the proper ritual or lastrights are peformed. there are several cases of reincarnation where the spirit entity informs the family through mediums or through dreams.in these cases the family is awere of the in carnated birth,the mannerisms,style personality often rescemble the spirit entitywho had informed about the incarnation.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

foods rich in folic acid

  • it’s important to get adequate amounts of folic acid in the diet for a variety of health reasons, both physical and mental, but mostly for cellular growth and regeneration. In fact, a recent article from the New York Times named folic acid one of the most “luscious micronutrients” found in foods, and multiple studies suggest that a lack of folic acid may lead to mental conditions such as depression.

    Physiologically, consuming enough folic acid allows the body to perform many of its essential functions, including nucleotide biosynthesis in cells, DNA synthesis and repair, red blood cell creation, and also helps to prevent anemia. Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is perhaps most well known for its applications in the prevention of fetal deformities, Alzheimer’s disease, as well as several types of cancer. The good news is that there are many rich sources of folic acid that are easy to incorporate into your daily diet.

    List of Foods with Folic Acid
    The following list will discuss the top ten foods with folic acid. Of course, organic is best (especially if you are pregnant!).

    1. Dark Leafy Greens

    It should come as no surprise that one of the planet’s healthiest foods is also one of the highest in folate. For an immediate boost in folic acid, consider adding more spinach, collard greens, kale, turnip greens and romaine lettuce into your daily diet. Just one large plate of these delicious leafy greens can provide you with almost all of your daily needs for folic acid.

    Below is a short list of leafy greens that are high in folic acid.

    Spinach — 1 cup = 263 mcg of folate (65% DV)
    Collard Greens — 1 cup = 177 mcg of folate (44% DV)
    Turnip Greens — 1 cup = 170 mcg of folate (42% DV)
    Mustard Greens — 1 cup = 103 mcg of folate (26% DV)
    Romaine Lettuce — 1 cup = 76 mcg of folate (19% DV)

    2. Asparagus

    This woody treat is perhaps the most nutrient dense foods with folic acid out of the entire vegetable kingdom. Eating just one cup of boiled asparagus will give you 262 mcg of folic acid, which accounts for approximately 65% of your daily needs. Not only is asparagus a delicious snack, but it’s also full of nutrients your body craves, including Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Manganese.

    3. Broccoli

    Not only is broccoli one of the best detox foods you can eat, it’s also a great source for folic acid. Eating just one cup of broccoli will provide you with approximately 24% of your daily folic acid needs, not to mention a whole host of other important nutrients. We recommend eating organic broccoli raw or lightly steamed.

    4. Citrus Fruits

    Many fruits contain folic acid, but citrus fruits rank the highest. Oranges are an especially rich source of folic acid. One orange holds about 50 mcg, and a large glass of juice may contain even more. Other folate-rich fruits include papaya, grapefruit, grapes, banana, cantaloupe and strawberries. Here is a short list of fruits high in folic acid.

    Papaya — One papaya = 115 mcg of folate (29% DV)
    Oranges — One orange = 40 mcg of folate (10% DV)
    Grapefruit — One grapefruit = 30 mcg of folate (8% DV)
    Strawberries — 1 cup = 25 mcg of folate (6.5% DV)
    Raspberries — 1 cup = 14 mcg of folate (4% DV)
    5. Beans, Peas & Lentils

    Beans and pulses especially high in folic acid include pinto beans, lima beans, green peas, black-eyed peas and kidney beans. Similarly, a small bowl of any type of lentils will give you the majority of your recommended daily amounts for folate. Here is a short list of how much which beans have the most folic acid.

    Lentils — 1 cup = 358 mcg of folate (90% DV)
    Pinto Beans — 1 cup = 294 mcg of folate (74% DV)
    Garbanzo Beans — 1 cup = 282 mcg of folate (71% DV)
    Black Beans — 1 cup = 256 mcg of folate (64% DV)
    Navy Beans — 1 cup = 254 mcg of folate (64% DV)
    Kidney Beans — 1 cup = 229 mcg of folate (57% DV)
    Lima Beans — 1 cup = 156 mcg of folate (39% DV)
    Split Peas — 1 cup = 127 mcg of folate (32% DV)
    Green Peas — 1 cup = 101 mcg of folate (25% DV)
    Green Beans — 1 cup = 42 mcg of folate (10% DV)
    6. Avocado

    The most beloved vegetable of Mexican fare, the buttery avocado holds up to 90mcg of folate per cup, which accounts for appoximately 22% of your daily needs. Not only are avocados one of the best foods with folic acid, but it’s also an excellent source of fatty acids, vitamin K and dietary fiber. Adding them to sandwiches or salads will make for an extra-healthy treat.

    7. Okra

    The world’s slimiest veggie is also one of the most nutrient rich. Okra has the distinct ability to simultaneously offer vitamins and minerals while cleansing the entire digestive tract from toxic build-up. When it comes to folate, Okra is a great source. Just one cup of cooked okra will give you approximately 37 mcg of folic acid.

    8. Brussel Sprouts

    While brussel sprouts probably isn’t your favorite vegetable, there is no denying that they are one of the best foods with folic acid. Eating one cup of boiled brussel sprouts will give you approximately 25% of your daily recommended amount. Brussel sprouts are also high in vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, manganese and potassium. Even with the abundance of nutrients, it still remains incredibly difficult to convince your kid to give them a try.

    9. Seeds and Nuts

    It doesn’t matter if it’s pumpkin, sesame, sunflower or flax seeds, eating them raw or sprouted, or sprinkling them onto your next salad will add a healthy dose of folic acid. Sunflower seeds, flax seeds and peanuts are especially high in folate, with one cup offering up to 300 mcg. Nuts are also very high in folic acid, with both peanuts and almonds ranking especially high. Below is a short list of the best seeds and nuts for folic acid.

    Sunflower Seeds — ¼ cup = 82 mcg of folate (21% DV)
    Peanuts — ¼ cup = 88 mcg of folate (22%)
    Flax Seeds — 2 tbs = 54 mcg of folate (14% DV)
    Almonds — 1 cup = 46 mcg pf fp;ate (12% DV)

    10. Cauliflower

    This cruciferous vegetable is typically regarded as one of the best vitamin C foods, but it’s also a great source for folic acid. Eating just one cup of boiled cauliflower will give you approximately 55 mcg of folate, accounting for 14% of your recommended daily value. We recommend adding fresh cauliflower to a salad with some of the other folic acid foods on this list.

    11. Beets

    Beets are a great source for antioxidants that provide detox support, making them one of the best liver cleanse foods on the planet. While that’s a great reason to add them to your diet, beets are also known as one of the best foods with folic acid. Eating one cup of boiled beets will provide you with approximately 136 mcg of folate, accounting for 34% of your daily needs.

    12. Corn

    You probably have a can of corn in your pantry right now. This popular vegetable also contains plenty of folate. Just one cup of cooked corn will give you approximately 76 mcg of folic acid, accounting for almost 20% of your daily needs. We would recommend avoiding canned veggies and opting for fresh and organic.

    13. Celery

    Celery is commonly regarded as a great food to help with kidney stones, but did you know it’s also a great source for folic acid? Just one cup of raw celery will give you approximately 34 mcg of folate, accounting for 8% of your daily needs.

    14. Carrots

    Carrots are another extremely popular vegetable that is probably in your home right now. Just one cup of raw carrots will give you almost 5% of your daily recommended needs for folic acid. Eat baby carrots as a snack or add them to your salads for a folate boost!

    15. Squash

    Squash may not be the most popular vegetable for your family, but there is no denying its nutritional benefits. Whether it’s summer squash or winter squash, adding this veggie to your diet will help give you a boost in folic acid. Here is a breakdown of how much folate can be found in squash.

    Winter squash — 1 cup = 57 mcg of folate (14% DV)
    Summer Squash — 1 cup = 36 mcg of folate (9% DV)
    These are just a few of the foods with folic acid. What would you add to this list? Will you add more of these foods to your diet? Let’s hear your thoughts in the comments below.

    ~Dr. G

    More Healthy Foods:
    8 Foods High in Zinc
    11 Foods High in Calcium
    16 Foods High in Vitamin C
    11 Foods That Speed Up Your Metabolism
    10 Probiotic Foods To Add To Your Diet

    Posted In: Healthy Foods,Natural Health,Organic Living
    Comments (16)

    ’s important to get adequate amounts of folic acid in the diet for a variety of health reasons, both physical and mental, but mostly for cellular growth and regeneration. In fact, a recent article from the New York Times named folic acid one of the most “luscious micronutrients” found in foods, and multiple studies suggest that a lack of folic acid may lead to mental conditions such as depression.

    Physiologically, consuming enough folic acid allows the body to perform many of its essential functions, including nucleotide biosynthesis in cells, DNA synthesis and repair, red blood cell creation, and also helps to prevent anemia. Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is perhaps most well known for its applications in the prevention of fetal deformities, Alzheimer’s disease, as well as several types of cancer. The good news is that there are many rich sources of folic acid that are easy to incorporate into your daily diet.

    List of Foods with Folic Acid
    The following list will discuss the top ten foods with folic acid. Of course, organic is best (especially if you are pregnant!).

    1. Dark Leafy Greens

    It should come as no surprise that one of the planet’s healthiest foods is also one of the highest in folate. For an immediate boost in folic acid, consider adding more spinach, collard greens, kale, turnip greens and romaine lettuce into your daily diet. Just one large plate of these delicious leafy greens can provide you with almost all of your daily needs for folic acid.

    Below is a short list of leafy greens that are high in folic acid.

    Spinach — 1 cup = 263 mcg of folate (65% DV)
    Collard Greens — 1 cup = 177 mcg of folate (44% DV)
    Turnip Greens — 1 cup = 170 mcg of folate (42% DV)
    Mustard Greens — 1 cup = 103 mcg of folate (26% DV)
    Romaine Lettuce — 1 cup = 76 mcg of folate (19% DV)

    2. Asparagus

    This woody treat is perhaps the most nutrient dense foods with folic acid out of the entire vegetable kingdom. Eating just one cup of boiled asparagus will give you 262 mcg of folic acid, which accounts for approximately 65% of your daily needs. Not only is asparagus a delicious snack, but it’s also full of nutrients your body craves, including Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Manganese.

    3. Broccoli

    Not only is broccoli one of the best detox foods you can eat, it’s also a great source for folic acid. Eating just one cup of broccoli will provide you with approximately 24% of your daily folic acid needs, not to mention a whole host of other important nutrients. We recommend eating organic broccoli raw or lightly steamed.

    4. Citrus Fruits

    Many fruits contain folic acid, but citrus fruits rank the highest. Oranges are an especially rich source of folic acid. One orange holds about 50 mcg, and a large glass of juice may contain even more. Other folate-rich fruits include papaya, grapefruit, grapes, banana, cantaloupe and strawberries. Here is a short list of fruits high in folic acid.

    Papaya — One papaya = 115 mcg of folate (29% DV)
    Oranges — One orange = 40 mcg of folate (10% DV)
    Grapefruit — One grapefruit = 30 mcg of folate (8% DV)
    Strawberries — 1 cup = 25 mcg of folate (6.5% DV)
    Raspberries — 1 cup = 14 mcg of folate (4% DV)
    5. Beans, Peas & Lentils

    Beans and pulses especially high in folic acid include pinto beans, lima beans, green peas, black-eyed peas and kidney beans. Similarly, a small bowl of any type of lentils will give you the majority of your recommended daily amounts for folate. Here is a short list of how much which beans have the most folic acid.

    Lentils — 1 cup = 358 mcg of folate (90% DV)
    Pinto Beans — 1 cup = 294 mcg of folate (74% DV)
    Garbanzo Beans — 1 cup = 282 mcg of folate (71% DV)
    Black Beans — 1 cup = 256 mcg of folate (64% DV)
    Navy Beans — 1 cup = 254 mcg of folate (64% DV)
    Kidney Beans — 1 cup = 229 mcg of folate (57% DV)
    Lima Beans — 1 cup = 156 mcg of folate (39% DV)
    Split Peas — 1 cup = 127 mcg of folate (32% DV)
    Green Peas — 1 cup = 101 mcg of folate (25% DV)
    Green Beans — 1 cup = 42 mcg of folate (10% DV)
    6. Avocado

    The most beloved vegetable of Mexican fare, the buttery avocado holds up to 90mcg of folate per cup, which accounts for appoximately 22% of your daily needs. Not only are avocados one of the best foods with folic acid, but it’s also an excellent source of fatty acids, vitamin K and dietary fiber. Adding them to sandwiches or salads will make for an extra-healthy treat.

    7. Okra

    The world’s slimiest veggie is also one of the most nutrient rich. Okra has the distinct ability to simultaneously offer vitamins and minerals while cleansing the entire digestive tract from toxic build-up. When it comes to folate, Okra is a great source. Just one cup of cooked okra will give you approximately 37 mcg of folic acid.

    8. Brussel Sprouts

    While brussel sprouts probably isn’t your favorite vegetable, there is no denying that they are one of the best foods with folic acid. Eating one cup of boiled brussel sprouts will give you approximately 25% of your daily recommended amount. Brussel sprouts are also high in vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, manganese and potassium. Even with the abundance of nutrients, it still remains incredibly difficult to convince your kid to give them a try.

    9. Seeds and Nuts

    It doesn’t matter if it’s pumpkin, sesame, sunflower or flax seeds, eating them raw or sprouted, or sprinkling them onto your next salad will add a healthy dose of folic acid. Sunflower seeds, flax seeds and peanuts are especially high in folate, with one cup offering up to 300 mcg. Nuts are also very high in folic acid, with both peanuts and almonds ranking especially high. Below is a short list of the best seeds and nuts for folic acid.

    Sunflower Seeds — ¼ cup = 82 mcg of folate (21% DV)
    Peanuts — ¼ cup = 88 mcg of folate (22%)
    Flax Seeds — 2 tbs = 54 mcg of folate (14% DV)
    Almonds — 1 cup = 46 mcg pf fp;ate (12% DV)

    10. Cauliflower

    This cruciferous vegetable is typically regarded as one of the best vitamin C foods, but it’s also a great source for folic acid. Eating just one cup of boiled cauliflower will give you approximately 55 mcg of folate, accounting for 14% of your recommended daily value. We recommend adding fresh cauliflower to a salad with some of the other folic acid foods on this list.

    11. Beets

    Beets are a great source for antioxidants that provide detox support, making them one of the best liver cleanse foods on the planet. While that’s a great reason to add them to your diet, beets are also known as one of the best foods with folic acid. Eating one cup of boiled beets will provide you with approximately 136 mcg of folate, accounting for 34% of your daily needs.

    12. Corn

    You probably have a can of corn in your pantry right now. This popular vegetable also contains plenty of folate. Just one cup of cooked corn will give you approximately 76 mcg of folic acid, accounting for almost 20% of your daily needs. We would recommend avoiding canned veggies and opting for fresh and organic.

    13. Celery

    Celery is commonly regarded as a great food to help with kidney stones, but did you know it’s also a great source for folic acid? Just one cup of raw celery will give you approximately 34 mcg of folate, accounting for 8% of your daily needs.

    14. Carrots

    Carrots are another extremely popular vegetable that is probably in your home right now. Just one cup of raw carrots will give you almost 5% of your daily recommended needs for folic acid. Eat baby carrots as a snack or add them to your salads for a folate boost!

    15. Squash

    Squash may not be the most popular vegetable for your family, but there is no denying its nutritional benefits. Whether it’s summer squash or winter squash, adding this veggie to your diet will help give you a boost in folic acid. Here is a breakdown of how much folate can be found in squash.

    Winter squash — 1 cup = 57 mcg of folate (14% DV)
    Summer Squash — 1 cup = 36 mcg of folate (9% DV)
    These are just a few of the foods with folic acid. What would you add to this list? Will you add more of these foods to your diet? Let’s hear your thoughts in the comments below.

    ~Dr. G

Saturday, April 21, 2012