Saturday, June 26, 2010

Gems & Its Powers


Coral is associated with the astrological planet Mars.

It is found in oceans all over the world.

Its colours range from white, pink, orange, and shades of red.

White Coral stabilizes the rhythm of body and Earth.

Pink Coral gives soothing healing and pleasure giving benefits.

Very rare black Corals, found in the Caribbean are used for making talismans and amulets to absorb negativity and protect the wearer from harm.

A good Coral is smooth in texture, round or oval shaped, and free from dents, holes, or perforations.

Ancients believed that wearing Coral endows the wearer with immense wisdom.

Almost all the cultures around the world use Coral in rituals pertaining to religion, health, and magic.

Coral is worn as ring in the index or ring finger.

Coral is generally recommended for people to calm down anger, hatred, and jealousy.

One who possesses a good Coral enjoys good fortune and is protected against evil spirits or ghosts, bad vibrations, nightmares, storms or lightning, effects of evil-eyes.

Coral is used to treat conditions due to overheat of body such as boils, bad effects of fever, cough, loss of taste, and eye problems.

Coral is good for central nervous system, eczema, nervous exhaustions, jaundice, mumps, measles, and other contagious diseases.

Coral is used for children and adults to protect from evil-eyes and evil spirits.

Japa performed with a Coral mala of 108 beads brings Siddhi.

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